The Wigry Pro Foundation is implementing a project entitled „Monastery in Wigry as a cultural heritage of the Camaldolese Order”
The aim of the project is to protect and preserve the cultural heritage – the upper hermitage together with the walls and land development that are part of the historic Camaldolese Monastery Complex in Wigry through the implementation of comprehensive construction, conservation and restoration works and the development of the cultural and educational offer.
The scope of the project includes investments in the historic infrastructure of the Post-Camaldolese Monastery complex in Wigry – 12 herms of the upper terrace with a historic tower and renovation of the walls. As part of the project, modern multimedia and exhibition equipment will be purchased for the needs of cultural services.
The hermitage is the retreat of monks / nuns of various Christian hermits. The hermitages are in the form of small houses intended for one religious according to the rule of life based on prayer and fasting.
As a result of the project, 13 permanent exhibitions will be created, entitled The era of the historic hermitage of the Camaldolese Monastery in Wigry.
Description of the exhibition:
The Wigry hermitage complex in its present form consists of two independent locations separated by a wall. Hermitage are located on two levels, of which the hermitages are located on the so-called The upper terrace is a reflection of the historic monastic layout, while the lower one was added as an extension of the functional base in the post-war years. The lower terrace, in the heyday of the Wigry hermitage, was used as an economic base where there were farm buildings.
The subject of the upper terrace exposition touches the historical sphere of the Wigry monastery itself, therefore the permanent exhibitions will present the stage from the establishment of the monastery through public activity to the closure of the monastery and the recent history.
Beneficiary: Wigry Pro Foundation, Wigry 11, 16-402 Suwałki
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Project title: „Monastery in Wigry as a cultural heritage of the Camaldolese Order”
Total Project value: PLN 21.455.470,00
Contribution of European Funds: PLN 14 857 150.00
The project is co-financed by the European Union under Measure 8.1 Priority axis VIII Protection of cultural heritage and development of cultural resources Of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program 2014–2020